Current Courses
MSc. Course "Cybersecurity Data Science"
- Period: SoSe 23
- Lectures:
- Lecture 2: Machine Learning Fundamentals I
- Lecture 3: Machine Learning Fundamentals II
- Lecture 4: Intrusion Detection
- Lecture 6: Mining Software Repositories
- Lecture 11: Statistics and Experimental Design
- Lecture 12: Survey Methods
- Lecture 13: Text Mining Applications
BSc. Course "Introduction to Information Security"
- Period: WiSe 21/22, WiSe 22/23
- Lectures:
- Lecture 8: Access Control
- Lecture 11: Privacy by Design
- Lecture 12: Tracking and Dark Patterns
MSc. Course "Secure Software Engineering"
- Period: SoSe 22, SoSe 23
- Lectures:
- Lecture 6: Assessment of Security Risks II
- Lecture 9: Privacy Engineering I
- Lecture 10: Privacy Engineering II
- Lecture 11: Human Factors in Cybersecurity
- Labs:
- Lab 1: Security Requirements
- Lab 2: Secure Software Design
- Lab 3: Security Risk Assessment
- Lab 4: Secure Infrastructure and Code Quality
- Lab 5: Privacy Engineering
- Lab 6: Human Factors in Cybersecurity
Current Seminars
Seminar "Usable Security and Privacy"
Seminar "Engineering Privacy-Friendly Systems"